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Saturday, April 16, 2011

Galbreath Family Homecoming

Hi friends.  We leave today to go to Ethiopia to bring home our two precious additions to our family.  Hope Mahlet and Zak Sitota will be home with us on Friday.  As many of you know, the adoption process is long, but the transition for our family is just beginning when we get home.  You all have been wonderful support for us for the past year, and I know everyone wants us to be able to show off Hope and Zak, but in the weeks and months to come we will be spending most of our time with close family.  We want to introduce new experiences and new people into their lives slowly and cautiously, as they have already experienced so much trauma in their short lives.  

When you do meet them, please don't feel offended if we ask that you not hold them.  We are trying to build the bond to us as parents and our family and teach them a healthy respect for boundaries and trust. We will be teaching them to give high fives and fist bumps to our friends so that is completely appropriate.

It's tradition in the adoption world if you want to see them, feel free (but not obligated) to join us at the airport when we arrive...We will be arriving on a Delta flight from Atlanta
on Good Friday April 22nd at 3:22.  There will be plenty of people, and it is overstimulating for all of us, but if you want to come support us and welcome Hope and Zak home, you are more than welcome to come - we will love to see you all.

Thank you for the prayers and support.  We will ne updating you on FB and our blog  while we are gone we will be able to post pictures after we get them on Monday, so we can't wait to share them with all of you.

Jay and Candi

Sent from my HTC on the Now Network from Sprint!

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