One Less Orphan T-Shirts

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Friday, March 12, 2010

It's Candi this time!

Hello friends. I'm finally writing. We have been doing a lot of writing with this new journey we are on. Oh the paperwork - it kinda reminds me of labor in a way! I must say I do prefer being pregnant this way.

We have handed in all of the paperwork needed for the home study. Now we are trying to complete the dossier. At the same time trying to do some fundraising. We are having our ( I hope to be) HUGE yard sale on April 17th! Any donations are welcomed and deeply appreciated. And come shop! Many treasures to be found! We did find out this week that we will be required to travel twice to Ethiopia. While there are positives to this it does mean more cost for us. God is much bigger than any amount of money. And I believe with my whole heart he has lead us here and will be bring us home with our new babies in His time with the money being a way to praise Him for providing. I have signed on to be a consultant for Rodan and Fields to try and make some extra money. If you have not heard of this new company, or if you have, please check out my website or contact me and I would love to show you these wonderful skin care products.
For those of you who work out and need an extra boost, also check out Another very cool new product I was turned onto by my brother. Buying this helps with his work in Asia. (use HORN as the promo code when ordering and receive a discount)

My heart has been spread wide open with this journey. I know this is what I was called to do and really look forward to seeing where all God leads us with orphan ministry. I have always had a passion for children and just love them to pieces. I feel like my loves, gifts and talents are all coming together to truly make an eternal impact. It's an incredible and honoring place to be standing.

Saturday, March 6, 2010

What a Week!

We just finished our first of many long weeks of paperwork, and I think this is just the beginning.  10 notarized forms, in duplicate...multiple trips to and from Catholic Charities social worker's office to pick up and deliver forms, checks, and more forms...then to the Metro Police Station for fingerprints for our FBI background check (we were both a little relieved that was our first and hopefully last trip to the downtown Police Station).  We've signed more things that I'm not sure anyone could truly read and comprehend what we have just gotten ourselves into!

Paperwork hysteria aside, we have this week signed the contract with AGCI, so the adoption process is now in full swing.  We have so much to do, and our goal is to get our Dossier completed and be on the waiting list for our new children within the next 60 days.  A tall and exhausting order, with many things out of our control standing in the way, but we pray everything will go smoothly.  With all of these moving parts, it's tough to keep organized, and I hope we are able to take some time and share with you in detail what you can expect step by step through this process.

In the meantime, we just had a non-stop typical Saturday, consisting of 4 basketball games, a soccer game, and 2 birthday parties, including Carter's 6 birthday party at Let it Shine which was so much fun.  We ran ragged all day and had a blast - we wouldn't have it any other way.  Needless to say, at 9:45 now, we are exhausted, and I'm the only one with eyes still open, though not for long.

We are taking a much needed break tomorrow morning, and the kids are excited about doing worship at home.  We are going to get everything for the adoption organized, and get the house under control...Candi is working some extra shifts and she's exhausted, and if "Momma ain't happy...." well, you know.

This week we will be getting our physicals finalized for our home study after we get all the tests back from the lab...we will be sending our fingerprints off to the FBI for our background checks (side note: it's taking 10 weeks to get an FBI background check right now!  Seriously!?!  The girl who took our fingerprints said they get theirs back in 24 hrs and we have to wait 10 weeks!  I'm just sayin'...)...we need to finish our autobiographies (now that will be fun) and fill out a few questionnaires for our home study...and hopefully have a call with our AGCI case worker so that we can begin the rest of the Dossier paperwork and start our adoption online education courses that are required.

So much to little time...and yet we are encouraged by a girl at Vanderbilt who is adopting siblings from Ethiopia and has not even finished her paperwork to get on the waiting list, and they got a call that there are 2 boys in Ethiopia waiting on them when they complete their Dossier.  So what we were hoping was going to be a 10-12 month process, may take half that long.  So we must prepare for a very quick and possibly long process, as no two sets of circumstances are alike.

We covet your prayers and your comments of support.  We have talked to many of you, and as time permits, we look forward to talking to everyone.  We are excited for what God has laid on our hearts and we thank you for joining us.
