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Wednesday, October 27, 2010


This is why I had not started a blog until adoption and I still stink at it!  I get emails about how I have not posted in a while.  I usually wait until I feel led to say something.  Well, tonight I feel led and will probably offend someone - but those who know me know I do that regularly.  You never have to guess how I'm feeling.  I honestly wish more people would just express their true feelings and everybody could respect people's feelings, learn from them and if they differ, move on knowing this is what makes the world go round.  That was a tangent all to say, I'm going to state how I really feel!

I realized and have expressed many times recently I could really coast to grand kids at this point. I work a part time job at the children's hospital 2 days a week.  I am a mother of 3 awesome kids, all in school.     We have reached the school, homework, piano lessons, soccer, football, etc. stage in life and I LOVE IT!!  I love being a mom.  I love helping with homework.  I love reading books and being read to.  I LOVE the sports and cheering my kids on.  I love this stage of life.  I even love teenagers and hanging out with them.  So I'm ready for the next stage.   I know at this point I could coast until grandkids.

BUT, God did not call me to coast.  This is the simple answer to why we are adopting. We are all called to love and care for the orphans and widows.  Now, your family might not be "called" to adopt, BUT you are called to do something. That is very clear in scripture.   I wanted to put a word out because I have read on blogs and our list serv the beat down it takes to do fundraising and how that part can have such a negative impact on the adoption process.  Fundraising is like a full time job and it is hard when the same families help, support, give over and over and others just smile at you.  (some don't even smile, they are ugly! we won't go there)  We are so humbled and appreciative of all the help we have received.  We feel very blessed, but it is obvious that some are really struggling.  I have no clue who reads this, but I want to challenge you to really help those who are willing to bring in another child.  It is not something you wake up one morning and think, "hmm, I think I'll adopt."  It is a long and strenuous process that only God can put together.  Pray over that and see where you are supposed to fit in.  None of us were called to coast - we were called to do God's work.  And I promise you, you are in the plan to care for the orphans. If we all did our part think, wow, just imagine the work God could do for orphans.